Photo of Torben Hansen

A TechBlog by Torben Hansen

Freelance Full Stack Web Developer located in Germany.
I create web applications mainly using TYPO3, PHP, Python and JavaScript.
Home Archive Tags
TYPO3 ExtBase backend module with progressbar using AJAX
Direct Mail with images as table-output in TYPO3 6.x
Using TYPO3 content layouts to create Jquery image sliders or galleries
TYPO3 Extbase - own validators and multi step form validation using the old and new property mapper
Asynchronous banner management for TYPO3
Setting up Jenkins CI, Selenium grid and PHPUnit Selenium to perform integration testing
Integrating a JQuery Cycle image slider in TYPO3 6.0 without the need of installing an extension
Using FAL media in TYPO3 6.0 for inline CSS header images
Using an Extbase extension in Typoscript
Configuring Jenkins CI to use multiple TYPO3 versions as build target for Extbase extensions
Logwatch filter for ModSecurity 2
TYPO3 - get resulting SQL from Extbase query
TYPO3 Extbase - mapping existing fields from fe_users
TYPO3 Flow / Fluid - translating select fields
TYPO3 CMS - Run Extbase unit tests in PHPStorm
Integrating TYPO3 Flow commands to the PhpStorm command line tool
FlashMessages in TYPO3 Flow überschreiben
TYPO3 Flow 1.2 - Kickstarter Package über Composer installieren
Mapping anderer Tabellen in Extbase
PhpStorm und leere remote git Repositories