Photo of Torben Hansen

A TechBlog by Torben Hansen

Freelance Full Stack Web Developer located in Germany.
I create web applications mainly using TYPO3, PHP, Python and JavaScript.
Home Archive Tags
TYPO3 6.2 - Still some problems with newsletter image rendering
TYPO3 CMS - Event management extension with registration option
TYPO3 Neos - Set a dynamic sender/recipient for a mailform
TYPO3 extension sf_tv2fluidge with new features and improvements
Security considerations when working with TYPO3 Formhandler extension
TYPO3 6.2 - automated test execution and CGL code analysis for ExtBase extensions with Jenkins CI
Standalone unit- and functional tests for ExtBase extensions in TYPO3 6.2
TYPO3 - How to prevent empty FlexForm values from getting saved
TYPO3 6.2 - Random sorting of QueryResults
TYPO3 - Extension tv2fluidge now with support for multilingual websites
TYPO3 - suddenly unable to login to backend
TYPO3 - Conditionally add an additional wrap to RTE links using Typoscript
TYPO3 - In-Place migration from TemplaVoila to Fluidtemplate and Grid Elements
Selenium tests on a Windows 8.1 machine with Internet Explorer 11
Howto debug a TYPO3 ExtBase extension with PhpStorm and XDebug
How to use content element layouts with gridelements
MySQL errno: 24 after upgrade from Debian Squeeze to Wheezy
TYPO3 - PHPUnit Testing Framework tests for repositories with storagePids
Blocking brute force attacks against the TYPO3 backend login using ModSecurity
TYPO3 Error "Sorry, but an error occurred while connecting to the server." in Extension Manager