Photo of Torben Hansen

A TechBlog by Torben Hansen

Freelance Full Stack Web Developer located in Germany.
I create web applications mainly using TYPO3, PHP, Python and JavaScript.
Home Archive Tags
How to manually create the default crop variant string for an imported image in TYPO3 CMS
TYPO3 extension "Event management and registration" version 6.0 for TYPO3 11.5 LTS released
"Unterminated nested statement!" using TYPO3 rector
How to use constructor dependency injection in a XCLASSed TYPO3 class
How to migrate switchableControllerActions in a TYPO3 Extbase extension to single plugins
Replace functionality of TYPO3 extension mw_keywordlist with a custom sitemap content element
Unexpected sorting behavior after update from MariaDB 10.1 to 10.3
How to extend existing FlexForm select options of a TYPO3 plugin using Page TSconfig
Testing email delivery of a TYPO3 extension with Codeception, MailHog and GitHub Actions
Unit-, Functional- and Acceptance-Tests for a TYPO3 Extension with GitHub Actions
How to add a replacement for the removed TCA Option "setToDefaultOnCopy" in TYPO3 10.4
How to limit the TYPO3 category tree to a subset of categories for extension records
Apache rewrite rule to replace %20-%20 with a dash (#) in URLs
TYPO3 Extension "Plain FAQ" released
How to fix TYPO3 error "There is no column with name 't3ver_oid' on table"
How to disable the nginx TYPO3 cache set by ext:nginx_cache in development context
Extbase $query->statement() - What can possibly go wrong?
Extending Extbase domain models and controllers using XCLASS
TYPO3 usage statistics for july 2018
TYPO3 MySQL database import fails with "Index column size too large. The maximum column size is 767 bytes"